Wilde on the Ruamahanga
Alan Wilde has a bold vision to see the entire length of the Ruamahanga River planted in native trees. His passion is evident as he points out the areas on his 14 hectare farm that he single-handedly planted in native trees.
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Alan Wilde has a bold vision to see the entire length of the Ruamahanga River planted in native trees. His passion is evident as he points out the areas on his 14 hectare farm that he single-handedly planted in native trees.
Local archivist and historian Gareth Winter undertook a hikoi down the Ruamāhanga from the heights of the Tararua Range all the way to its outlet at Lake Onoke. Gareth continues to research the history of the Ruamāhanga and has kindly agreed to share a short precis of his much-anticipated planned book about his incredible and very personal journey along the length of the river.
Opaki School student volunteers plant over 200 native trees in a lowland native forest block on Dunvegan Station, owned by Mike Wyeth.
The Ruamahanga Restoration Trust recently teamed up with Mokomoko to sponsor a very special student field trip to the river, organised by Mokomoko CCEM Program Coordinator, Sam Ludden.